STANLEY's - What's Next?

STANLEY's was just released to the public at an.. interesting quality, and there are a few bugs to be found. Of course, all will be fixed in due time, but some things just aren't in the game. In this devlog, I'll be talking about what isn't here, is here, and bugs I have found and haven't found.

1. Lockdowns

Lockdowns were a challenging feature that was supposed to appear at the later nights where STANLEY and The Performer would get really active, and the cameras would shut down and break.

2. Bugs

couldn't find any bugs so far, so please comment if you find any.

I will be adding onto this devlog as time goes on.

WHAT'S NEXT!     ... next

Toaster Launchers VR. thats it, then all my games are pretty much done until I come up with more game ideas. (:

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