STANLEY's Release

Hello everybody!

As you can see, STANLEY's is finally out. This game has taken such a long time to make ( 2 years to be exact), and I am very proud of it. Here's the whole story behind it.

It started on August 24, 2022. I was bored, and sweating. I was using my mom's computer to make a silly little ROBLOX game, and remembered Scratch. I started to fool around on it, and came up with a super cool idea. "What if I make a FNaF fan-game where you do survive from some sort of animatronic while doing different tasks around the park?" I thought to myself. I started by making the office, then I made the Task Bar. The task bar had 3 tasks, "Reset Stanley", "Reset Ventilation", and "Reset Power".  eventually, I made the camera. After a long time of coding, I needed something MORE. I needed a bigger software. I discovered TurboWarp, a Scratch mod with super cool extensions and incredible running speed. After discovering it, I tinkered around. I eventually scrapped the tasks, and replaced them with The Performer. I also added a power box and vents, which were both scrapped.  After ALL of the stress, work, tears, and happiness put into this project, here we are today. A fully finished game with maybe more to come.


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