Version 1.5

Hello, Toasters! This game hasn't been updated in a while, and the servers are a lil buggy at times. So, I decided to update the game. I'll be talking about what's new.


I added a local day & night system that only appears on your screen because timezones are complicated and I cant have timers working when nobody is online, so everything just appears according to system clock. 


Between times 3am - 6am, it will rain. The Toasters are waterproof, don't worry. It may have a random chance to rain at certain times, but that's dependent on your current system time and only appears for you. If you and a friend are playing, you should have the same sky+lighting. Speaking of lighting,

More is to come, and maybe a new area? It's complicated coding this game, so I'm unsure.

out now!!

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